Challenges and advantages of e-learning: a creative learning experience

Digitization has changed the era of the mouse click or touch of the mobile phone as far as possible. As a result, methods become easier and tasks are computed simpler. From shopping to dating, from business to searching, conducting business meetings to maintaining social contacts, they are all on the same stage and the entire world is immersed in one classroom i.e. on the internet. Significantly, learning is not only in the classroom but e-learning available on the digital platform is also known as e-learning or e-learning.

E-learning, a word that defines the concept of learning through electronic device such as desktop, laptop, CD, digital TV or mobile phone. However, now mobile learning is also referred to as mobile learning. Students have different opinion regarding e-learning and some of them are very enthusiastic and enthusiastic while some are hesitant about this innovative approach. So let us understand the term e-learning, its types and obvious uncertainties by focusing on the following challenges and advantages.

Types of e-learning

In general, there are three types of e-learning process – synchronous e-learning, asynchronous e-learning, and blended method.

In synchronous e-learning, learning takes place in a real-time process through a virtual classroom. The student and the teacher have to interact at the same time by using the Internet and communicating via messaging, chatting, video conferencing, or calling.

Asynchronous e-learning is learning through a registered medium. It does not depend on the real-time learning process. It is transmitted through lectures, online study materials, embedded learning, courses or discussion groups.

The blending method inculcates the features of both synchronous and asynchronous learning.

Advantages of e-learning

Flexibility: In the traditional classroom, the students have to go to the college or institute regularly with the course to be completed in a specified period of time. While the e-learning method provides you with the flexibility to study anytime and anywhere with your own schedules.

Accelerated learning: Students can study at their own pace and interests. They need not try to match the speed of the other students with their own. They can finish their syllabus as fast or as slow as they want.

Access at all times: The syllabus and study materials are available online providing anytime and anywhere access, so they don’t have to worry about when they will sit down to study, they can do it anytime and anywhere.

High retention and comprehension rateIn online classes, the learning process takes place through presentations, pictures and videos. It is a known fact that visual contents are more easily recorded in human memory than verbal and textual contents. It helps to understand things better and increases the student’s ability to retain and comprehend.

Instant feedback and results: In traditional learning, it takes time to check transcription and announce results. During e-learning, exams are taken through online quizzes. This has reduced the time required to generate the results and also gained more attraction among the students as they do not have to face the teacher at the time of the result.

A greener approachLeaves are made by cutting trees. In e-learning, students save leaves – save trees. Therefore, this is an environmentally friendly learning method.

Cost-effective: Undoubtedly, the use of the Internet reduces the cost of paper, books, notebooks, files, pens and other office products. In addition, it also reduces the cost of traveling to the college or learning center. Hence, e-learning is a cost-effective method of learning.

Easy update: It is very easy to update notes and other lectures in online mode by instructors, and it is really difficult to make changes in published books in a short time.

Technology and internet expert: With regular access to the Internet, students get to know the devices. This brings efficiency in the use of the Internet and information technology.

However, it is not that only e-learning has enormous appeal and advantages, there are also few challenges in this method of learning-

self discipline: In the normal teaching methodology, the teachers or tutors have more control over the attention and behavior of the students. It motivates students to learn through interactive teaching methods. However, in e-learning, the student must exercise self-control to study and learn.

Computer literacy: Students must have computer knowledge and basic troubleshooting skills to continue studying without any breaks.

Availability of the system and the Internet: It is preferable for the student to have their own system/laptop and high speed internet connection for e-learning.

learning approach: In systematic learning, the student interacts with the teacher and other students which makes studying enjoyable. In e-learning, the student may get bored of studying alone. There will be no discussion and no second opinion that might lead to one way thinking.

Despite all these challenges, e-learning is still the modern and futuristic way to learn in this ever-growing crowded society.

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